Skin diseases, digestive problems, allergies, migraines, infections and muscle pains... All these and many others can be treated by natural medicines without short- or long-term side effects.
Natural medicine encompasses strong tools for strengthening the body and returning it to balance while at the same time, treating targeted symptoms without harming other systems in the body.
The tools I use are diverse. The choice of the tool (one or more) depends on several factors such as the root of the problem, client over-all condition, sensitivities, and so on.
I have successfully treated:
Skin problems – rash, eczema, sores, fungi, extreme dryness, acne
Pain – muscle pains, migraine, headaches, arthritis, abdominal pain
Inflammations – joints, eyes, ears, UTI, gums
Respiratory – cough, cold, allergies, nasal drip, sinusitis
Blood – blood flow, hemorrhoids
Emotional imbalance – bothering thoughts, restlessness, anxiety, mild depression, loss of direction, lack of concentration or focus.
Depending on the type of problem, we would talk on the phone or meet, apply the correct treatment, and follow its impact. Depending on the situation, there will be treatments that will work quickly and take more time. Unlike pharmaceutical drugs, natural medicine therapies have no negative side effects and no interaction between them*.
What are my tools:
Aromatherapy – essential oils harness the enormous power from the active constituents in the plant that work on the molecular level to destroy pathogenic (bad) bacteria, fungi and viruses, strengthen the immune system, renew tissues, reduce pain and more.
I use organic, food grade oils in my hand-made products such as creams, sprays, ointments, etc.
* There can be a temporary topical allergic reaction to any essential oil, and it is important to remember that there are contraindications to some oils. Pregnant women, infants and people taking chemical medicines should beware of some of the oils and always use excellent quality oil under professional supervision.
Holistic Nutrition – "let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" -Hippocrates. I truly believe that what we put in our body has a huge impact on all aspects of our health. One of the most effective treatments for physiological imbalance is nutritional change and often times I will investigate and offer nutrition adjustments or supplements according to the situation. For example, for recurring skin problems, I suggest detoxing the liver with foods such as cilantro, arugula and chlorella and supplements such as milk thistle (combined with aromatherapy).
Bach Flowers - Bach flower extracts were discovered by Dr. Richard Bach at the beginning of the 20th century as a gentle but effective tool for treating emotional imbalance. The extracts are combined into a therapeutic synergy that helps balance emotions like anxiety, mild depression, lack of direction, lack of focus, bothering thoughts, and more. This is also wonderful tool for treating emotional issues in children without negative side effects.