No. Karen is not an MD. She has been Studying Natural medicine for more than a decade. She is a Master Aromatherapist, certified in Bach flowers therapy, Massage therapy, Baby Massage, certified Doula and certified Holistic Nutritionist.
No. for medical emergencies dial 911 or call your primary care physician.
Karen helps people of all ages.
Not necessarily. Depending on the problem, many consultations and treatments are done through video chat. Remedies can be sent by postal carrier.
Karen cannot fix your health issues. She can help you find the root causes of your problems and help you fix them. By investigating your nutrition, lifestyle and environment, looking at your lab results, listening to your story, investigating your symptoms and history - she can find a course of action to move your health to the place you want it to be.
Karen does not bill insurance companies. It is up to the client to determine whether their insurance plan provides reimbursement for consultations, remedies and lab tests.