Let’s do this together!

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Bariatric surgery coaching_

After years of trying to lose weight, using different diets and fads, doing all kinds of sports… You are just tired of continuing to go round and round on this endless cycle. You have decided to undergo bariatric surgery.

Then your girlfriend went through bariatric surgery. The pounds just dropped off her and she looked great almost without effort (at least that's what it looked like to you). You what that too!
I get it. I was there.

Weight loss surgery, whether it is a Gastric Sleeve, bypass or other process, is like a push from the wall at the start of swimming in the pool. The push gives you a serious thrust and brings you far into the water, but in order to stay afloat and keep progressing forward you have to stroke and keep swimming.

When I underwent bariatric surgery in 2013, I received standard instructions and general information from my surgical team. The team that accompanied me in the process (a Physician Assistant and a dietitian) instructed me about what I was allowed to eat pre-op and post-op. I also attended a monthly support group that I was referred to. That community helped me grasp what was going to happen to my body, what to expect and that what I was feeling is probably normal.

But what works for others does not necessarily work for you, and with all that support I now know that it lacked customization, both in terms of nutrition and in terms of emotional support: My capacity ? changed, my body was changing, my mood was all over the place, my hormonal balance changed, and not one of these changes was addressed properly.

Being a natural medicine practitioner (I had not yet become a certified Holistic Nutritionist), It was clear to me: I need to change my lifestyle and the way I think about food from the ground up, otherwise I will not be able to maintain the success over time. Indeed, two years later, after I had already lost about a 100 pounds, I gave birth to my third daughter and began to regain weight. A combination of hormonal imbalance, lack of sleep and physical activity, and especially the lack of attention to my diet brought me back to square one – I went back to being fat. It was very disheartening, of course.

I began the process again, this time from another point of origin. It was not easy and took quite a bit of time, but after a period of working at it, testing and tuning, I successfully went back on track to a healthy, happy, energetic place.

That was my story. And today, after becoming a Certified Holistic Nutrition Coach, I can help you reach your goals with a custom program of nutrition, guidance and support at every stage of the process, from the decision and planning before the surgery, through the change and adapting to a new way of life, and for years after with a naturally healthy lifestyle.

The Bariatric Coaching experience will help you transform your thinking, the way you eat, and your ability to cope in the long-term.

 Which intervention is right for you?

  • Video meetings – weekly 1-hour meetings (monthly payment)

  • In-person Meetings – a 10 meetings program in my practice

  • One-hour single meeting (in-person or by video)

  • A single 1 ½ hour meeting (in-person or by video)

  • A half-hour acquaintance meeting (in-person or by video)